Ethical Committee Members

Professor Dr. Mohammad Ashik Mosaddik


Pro- Vice Chancellor, East West University

Professor Dr. M. Ruhul Amin

Deputy Chair

Dean, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, EWU

Professor Dr. Anup Chowdhury

Deputy Chair

Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, EWU

Professor Dr. Farzana Akhter

Deputy Chair

Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, EWU

Mr. Kamruzzaman

External Member

Deputy Secretary, Social Science Research Council, Planning Division, Bangladesh

Professor Dr. Laila Anjuman Banu

External Member

Professor and Chairperson, Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, BSMMU

Professor Dr. Chowdhury Faiz Hossain


Professor, Department of Pharmacy, EWU

Professor Dr. Mohammad Mojammel Al Hakim


Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, EWU

Professor Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury

Co-opted Member

Professor, Department of Business Administration, EWU

Professor Dr. Md. Mobarak Hossain Khan

Co-opted Member

Professor and Chairperson, Department of Social Relations, EWU

Professor Dr. Muhammed Shahriar Haque

Member Secretary

Executive Director, CRTEWU and Professor, Department of English, EWU