To provide funding and promote research and publication, CRTEWU organizes Research Seminar and Knowledge Sharing Seminars regularly. The center also arranges hands-on training programs on regular basis which mainly focus on research methodology, tools and techniques of research, and research software. In addition, the Center for Research and Training East West University organized an International Conference and National Conference with partial financial support from UGC Academic Innovation Fund under the HEQEP sub-project: Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Development of Academic Staff. To foster research and innovation for the betterment of our country, the center organized the 1st CRTEWU Research Fair at the East West University premises.
Jan, 2025
Research Seminar titled “Perceived Service Quality of District Public Libraries of Bangladesh: An analysis through the lens of LibQUAL+”
Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) organized a research seminar titled “Perceived Service Quality of District Public Libraries of Bangladesh: An analysis through the lens of LibQUAL+” on 23 January 2025 at 9.30 am in CRTEWU Seminar Room (Room no- 560), 4th floor, Block-C of East West University. The presenters of the seminar were Dr. Dilara Begum, Professor and Md. Hasinul Elahi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, East West University.
Research Fair
Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) organized the 1st CRTEWU Research Fair at East West University on 05 March 2020. Participants and guests from 20 private and public organizations and educational institutions, media personnel, as well as faculty members, graduate, and undergraduate students attended the Research Fair. The objective of the Research Fair was to showcase the best practices of research and development being carried out in Bangladeshi organizations and educational institutions, with the hope to create a bridge between academia and industry in order to foster research and innovation for the betterment of our country.

CRT Workshops
CRTEWU facilitates workshop programs for EWU faculty members.