The Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) has established a Research Hub, which is a fully functioning research facility. The Center has digitized its Research Hub with 17 state-of-the-art computers, 6 laptops, a multimedia projector, a printer, a photocopier, and a scanner. The Research Hub is well-equipped to arrange various academic programs, training, and workshops. Moreover, there are nine research software to facilitate faculty research and data analysis.
The Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) facilitates a research Hub, seminar room, research software, and research equipment. It also has a library and lab of its own.
Research Software
Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) acquired the Turnitin software to help teachers and students of East West University detect plagiarism. The software can help faculty members check plagiarism in their papers/articles and students’ assignments, theses, term papers and other documents. The Center also installed Endnote software for organizing bibliographies, references and citations of research reports, articles, and other documents. Moreover, for data processing and analysis, 7 research software (ATLAS.ti, NVivo, STELLA, iThink, STATA, AMOS and SPSS) were installed in the computers of CRTEWU Research Hub, Room: 615, 5th floor of East West University.
The Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) facilitates scientific equipment purchased mainly by the CRTEWU-funded research grants. The equipment is located on the 7th floor, FUB (Room No: 802), EWU.
CRT Research Hub
CRT Library
The Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU) has a small library of its own. It has numerous research-related books, journals, reports, and documents along with various data sets. It also has access to the university library, which is well-endowed with books, including e-books, journals, and various databases.
Chemistry Research Laboratory
Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) Chairperson, inaugurated the chemistry lab of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences department of East West University on 18 May 2023. The chemistry lab has scientific equipment purchased mainly by the EWUCRT-funded research grants. This equipment is used by the faculty members and students of the Department of Pharmacy, Civil Engineering, and GEB, in addition to the MPS department. The lab is also being used by the faculty members of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka Medical College (DMC), and Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR). The chairperson of EWUCRT was accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering (FSE), the chairperson and faculty members of the MPS and Pharmacy department, the chairperson of the GEB department, the Executive Director, and Deputy Executive Director of EWUCRT.
CRT Seminar Room-I
The CRTEWU Seminar Room-I is on the 4th floor, Block-C (Room No: 560), EWU. Generally, this room is used for hosting seminars, workshops, and training.

CRT Seminar Room-II
The CRTEWU Seminar Room-II is in the Department of English Department on the 1st floor, Block-C (Room No: 238), EWU. The seminar room is furnished by the CRT. This seminar room is jointly used by the CRT and the Department of English to organizes seminars, meetings, and training.