Vol. 16, 2021
Faculty of Business and Economics
Book /Book Chapter
1. Private Sector Management Tools in the Public Sector: Illustrative Evidence of Literature from Australian Public Sector.
2. Public Budgeting in Bangladesh: An Earnest Quest for Transparency and Accountability.
3. Entrepreneurial Marketing for Growth: A Case of Relevance During Pandemic from the Street Food Business in Dhaka.
4. Rethinking or Remaining the Same: The Dilemma of a Young Foodpreneur.
International Journal
1. Quality of Education and Value for Money in Private Business Schools of Bangladesh: Students’ Perception.
2. Service Quality of Intercity Bus and Rail Transportation in Bangladesh: Two Distinctive Population Study.
3. Financial Performance of General Insurance Companies in Bangladesh: A 2003-2020
4. Slum Dwellers’ Perception about Covid-19: A Study in Dhaka Metropolis Slums.
5. Effectiveness of SMS Advertising in Bangladesh: Drawing on Hierarchy of Effects Model.
6. Issues of Micro-Insurance in Bangladesh: Policy Holders View.
7. Cement Industries at a Flourishing Point: A Comparative Analysis between Selected
Cement Companies of Bangladesh.
8. COVID-19 Pandemic – Challenges for Management Education in Bangladesh.
9. Thinking ‘Qualitative’ Through a Case Study: Homework for a Researcher.
10. Epitomes of New Public Management: Insights from Illustrative Literature on Worldwide Public Sector Reform Agendas.
11. Performance Management Systems in Public Sector Under New Public Management
Regime: An Australian Case.
12. Determinants of Choosing a Foreign Brand in Emerging Economy: Lessons and Implication for the Local Entrepreneurs.
13 Linking Perceived Price Fairness, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty: A Structural Equation Modeling of Facebook-Based E-Commerce in Bangladesh.
14. A Case Study on the Entrepreneurial Process of Push and Pull Women Entrepreneurs.
15. Changes in Consumer Purchasing Behavior Due to COVID- 19 Pandemic.
16. A Critical Assessment of Interrelationship among Corporate Governance, Financial
Performance, Refined Economic Value Added to Measure Firm Value and Return on Stock.
17. Measuring Firms Intrinsic Values in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Bangladesh.
18. Corporate Social Responsibility, Innovation Capability and Firm Performance: Evidence from SME.
19. Family Firm’s Propensity to Lean Innovation in the Emerging Economy: A Moderating Role of Executive’s Compensation.
20. Private Firm Performance: Do Women Directors Matter?.
21. Corporate Finance Policies, Subsidies and R&D: Evidence from China.
22. The Economics of Solid Waste Management and Drainage: A Sustainable Approach for Making South Asian Cities Climate-Resilient.
23. A Survey Report on the Garment Workers of Bangladesh.
24. A Tale of the Financial Inclusion-Growth Nexus and the Degree of Financial
Inclusion: A Dynamic Panel Approach on Selected Developing Countries.
25. Cancer Related Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Among Community Health Care Providers and Health Assistants in Rural Bangladesh.
26. Impact of Commercial Floodplain Aquaculture on Common-Pool Resource Dependent Community.
27. Long-run Impact of Globalization, Agriculture, Industrialization and Electricity Consumption on the Environmental Quality of Bangladesh.
National Journal
1. The Bangladesh Competition Law – Improving the Efficiency of the Market.
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Book /Book Chapter
1. An Overview of Global Epidemics and the Challenges Faced.
International Journal
1. Theoretical Investigation on the Impact of Two HDR Dampers on First Modal Damping Ratio of Stay Cable.
2. Influence of Planar Irregularities on Seismic Responses of RC Building.
3. Reduction of Bias and Uncertainty in Regional Seismic Site Amplification Factors for Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis.
4. An Integrated Machine Learning Model for Indoor Network Optimization to Maximize Coverage.
5. ModCOVNN: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach in COVID19 Prognosis.
6. Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models in Automatic COVID-19 Diagnosis.
7. Network Intrusion Detection: An Analytical Assessment using Deep Learning and State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Models.
8. Convolutional Neural Network-based Ensemble Methods to Recognize Bangla Handwritten Character.
9. A Biological Data-Driven Mining Technique by Using Hybrid Classifiers with Rough Set.
10. Data Mining Approach to Analyzing Intrusion Detection of Wireless Sensor Network.
11. An Analytical Evaluation of a Deep Learning Model to Detect Network Intrusion.
12. Carrier Transport and Performance Limit of Semi-Transparent Photovoltaics:
Cuin1−Xgaxse2 as A Case Study.
13. A Review of Next Generation Bifacial Solar Farms: Predictive Modeling of Energy Yield, Economics, and Reliability.
14. Global Analysis of Next-Generation Utility-Scale PV: Tracking Bifacial Solar Farms.
15. Global Analysis of Optimal Cleaning Cycle and Profit of Soiling Affected Solar Panels.
16. Analysis of Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy System for Marine Ships.
17. Optimal Planning of Integrated Nuclear-Renewable Energy System for Marine Ships Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithm.
18. Review of Battery Management Systems (BMS) Development and Industrial Standards.
19. Bangla Text Sentiment Analysis Using Supervised Machine Learning with Extended Lexicon Dictionary.
20. Draft Genome Sequences of Multidrug Resistant Shigella Strains Isolated from Diarrheal Patients in Bangladesh.
21. A Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Analysis to Reveal Genomic and Proteomic Mutation Landscapes of SARS-Cov-2 in South Asia.
22. Factors Affecting the Outcome of the Usage of High-Flow Nasal Cannula on Severe or Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Multicentric Study from a Developing Nation.
23. Characteristics, Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Admitted to ICU in Hospitals in Bangladesh: A Retrospective Study.
24. Robust Normality Test in the Presence of Outliers.
25. Formulation of Rice Based Low Cost Balanced, Nutritious and Safe Diet for the Malnourished Street Children in Capital City Dhaka.
26. Gel Point Determination of Gellan Biopolymer Gel from DC Electrical Conductivity.
27. Nonlinear Propagation of Dust-Acoustic Waves in An Unmagnetized Collisional Dusty Plasma with Both Nonthermal Electron and Ion Distribution for Damped Korteweg-De Vries Equation.
28. Dilaton-Axion Black Hole under the Solar System Tests.
29. An Overtime Production Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Nonlinear Price and Stock Dependent Demand.
30. New Solitonic and Rogue Wave Solutions of Klein-Gordon Equation Using Quadratic Nonlinearity.
31. Numerical Analysis of Thermofluids Inside a Porous Enclosure with Partially Active Thermal Wall.
32. Simulation of Tsunami along North Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia allied with the Indonesian Tsunami of 2004 Using a Shallow Water Model.
33. Heavy Metals Contamination of River Water and Sediments in the Mangrove Forest Ecosystems in Bangladesh: A Consequence of Oil Spill Incident.
34. Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soil-Vegetable System of Tannery Estate.
35. Application of Laser-Desorption Silver-Ionization Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Petroleum Samples Subjected to Hydrotreating.
36. Comparison of Filter Banks of DWT in Recovery of Image Using One Dimensional Signal Vector.
37. Ethanolic Extract of Coccinia Grandis Prevented Glucose Intolerance, Hyperlipidemia and Oxidative Stress in High Fat Diet Fed Rats.
38. Association between Insomnia and Mucormycosis Fear Among the Bangladeshi Healthcare Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study.
39. Clinical Features of Pneumonia in Severely Malnourished Children with Diarrhoea Compared to those without Diarrhoea.
40. Sensitivity Patterns of Bacterial Pathogens Isolated from Blood Cultures of Under- Five Children with Pneumonia and Clinical Sepsis.
41. In vitro Assessment of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity Using Combination of Synthetic Drugs.
42. Le Carbone Prevents Liver Damage in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis-Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mouse Model Via Ampkα-SIRT1 Signaling Pathway Activation.
43. Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activity of the Compounds Isolated from Vanda roxburghii.
44. Solvent Contribution to Ferrocene Conformation: Theory and Experiment.
45. Prescription Patterns for Empagliflozin among Adults with Diabetes Mellitus in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
National Journal
1. Pro12Ala Polymorphism in PPAR-γ Gene of Impaired Glucose Tolerance Subjects in Bangladeshi Population.
2. Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Mucuna Pruriens Leaves.
International Conference
1. K-Cosine-Medoids Clustering Algorithm.
2. K-Cosine-Means Clustering Algorithm.
3. An Improved Diabetic Retinopathy Image Classification by Using Deep Learning Models.
4. A Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Based Model to Analyze Histopathological Breast Cancer Images.
5. Deep Learning Approach for Electricity Load Forecasting Using Multivariate Time Series Data.
6. An Efficient Breast Cancer Analysis Technique by Using a Combination of HOG and Canny Edge Detection Techniques.
7. Analyzing and Evaluating Boosting-Based CNN Algorithms for Image Classification 87
8. An Efficient Approach to Software Fault Prediction.
9. Design of I-V Scanner to Analyze the Effects of Partial Shading Due to Soiling and Bird-Dropping on PV Panels.
10. Microwave Head Imaging System for Detection of Blood Clots Inside the Brain.
11. The Emergence Threat of Phishing Attack and the Detection Techniques Using Machine Learning Models.
12. An Analysis of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Spam Email Detection.
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Book /Book Chapter
1. Negotiating the Politics of Power: Tahmima Anam’s the Good Muslim and Women’s Role in War and Nation Building.
International Journal
1. Epiphany of Woolf: Close Reading of the Last Four Paragraphs of a Room of One’s Own.
2. EFL Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Sources of Students’ Demotivation: A Comparative Study.
3. Teaching Factors that Affect Students’ Learning Motivation: Bangladeshi EFL Students’ Perceptions.
4. Decoding the Sundarbans: “Other” Space in Amitav Ghosh’s the Hungry Tide.
5. Translating Humayun Ahmed: Exploring the Strategies.
6. A National Assessment of Elective Cesarean Sections in Bangladesh and the Need for Health Literacy and Accessibility.
7. Public Libraries’ Responses to a Global Pandemic: Bangladesh Perspectives.
8. Evolving Roles of East West University Library During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
9. Stages of the Rohingya Genocide: A Theoretical and Empirical Study.
10. Bangladesh-India Water Sharing Cooperation: An Analysis from the Perspective of the International Environmental Law Principles.
11. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Post-Conflict Experiences of the Bangladesh War of Independence.
12. Risk factors for Early Childhood Disability in Bangladesh: Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019.
13. A Systematic Review on Knowledge-Attitude-Practice on Diabetes: Assessment Process and Outcome Levels.
14. COVID-19: Marking the Gaps in Migrant and Refugee Health in Some Massive Migration Areas.
15. Female Leadership in the Local Governments: Reconstruction of Traditional Gender Identity of Women in Rural Bangladesh.
16. Suicidal Behaviour and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Insights from Durkheim's Sociology of Suicide.
17. Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh: A Retrospective Content Analysis.
National Journal
1. Open Access Repositories in Bangladesh and India: A Comparative Analysis.
International Conference
1. Rapid Migration from Traditional or Hybrid to Fully Virtual Education in the Age of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Challenges, Experiences and Views of College and University Students.
2. The Need for Understanding Disaster Risk for Resilient City Development.