Vol.8, 2013
Faculty of Business and Economics
International Journals
- A Comparative Performance Analysis of Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking in Bangladesh
- Performance Evaluation of Selected Ceramic Companies of Bangladesh
- A Study about the Phenomenon of Glass Ceiling among Women Managers in Bangladesh
- A Study f Informal Sector with Focus on Food Vendors In Dhaka Metropolis Area
- Challenges for Roadside Food Vendors be Turned into Brands: A Case from Dhaka
- Performance Evaluation of Selected Pharmaceuticals Companies Enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange
- Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Nationalized Commercial Banks and Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh through SERVQUAL Model
- Promoting Toothpaste Brands in Bangladesh: A Content Analysis on IMC Approaches
- Effect of IMC of Toothpastes on Oral Hygiene Behavior among the School Children of Dhaka City
- Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity of MV Paddy Production under Different Farming Systems in Bangladesh
- Sustainable Integrated Agricultural Farming System in Bangladesh: An Empirical Evidence of Rice - prawn Gher Farming System
- Performance Analysis of Active Network Service Composition
- A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Financial Determinants of CSR in Bangladeshi Banking Industry
- A Hypothetical Comparison between Event Marketing and Conventional Advertising
- An Assessment of Fashionable Management Concepts’ Awareness Level amongst Bangladeshi Managers Move towards Knowledge Economy
- Appraising Inflation Targeting: Panel Evidence from Developed Economies
- A Variant Deterministic Model of Classical EOQ Formula
- Banking Sector of Bangladesh: How to Go green
- Complex Project Crashing Algorithm
- F-Commerce in Bangladesh: Venit, Vidit, Vicit
- Is Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) Efficient? A Comparison of Efficiency Before and After the Market Crisis of 2010
- Optimal Return Period to Encourage the Online Shopping Tendency of Potential Bangladeshi Consumer
- Remittance and Domestic Labor Productivity in Bangladesh: A Bounds Testing Approach of Cointegration
- The Development of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) and Challenges of Environmental and Social Reporting in Bangladesh
- The Effect of Macroeconomic & Market Specific Dynamics on Stock Market Development in Global Growth Generator Countries
- Digital Divide and its Impact on Economic Growth in SAARC Countries
- Maximization of Fusing Machine Utilization through Leaner approach in Fabric Preparation and Feeding in Fusing Section of Woven garments
- Microeconometric analysis on Determinants of Antenatal Care in Bangladesh: A Finite Mixture Modelling Approach
National Journals 29. A Comparative Study on the Cost of Higher Education in Private and Public Universities in Bangladesh
- Investigating the Reasons of Employee Turnover in Bangladesh: An Analysis
- Status and Performance Evaluation of Power Sector in Bangladesh: A study on some Selected Power Generation Companies
- Examining Awareness regarding Islamic Banking among Business graduates in Bangladesh
- Usefulness and Trustworthiness of Corporate annual Reports for UK individual investors for Decision Making
International Conference 34. Liberalization of Services Trade in South Asia: Issues and Challenges
- Estimates of Productivity: 28 Manufacturing Industries of Bangladesh
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
International Journals 36. A MATLAB Based Cellular Mobile Communication Laboratory
- Modified Proportional Fair Scheduling for Resource Reuse and Interference Coordination in Two-Tier LTE-Advanced Systems
- Efficient Beamforming Technique for Cognitive Radio Networks
- Decisive Factors of False Detection on Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
- Langmuir Dark Solitons in Dense Ultrarelativistic Electron-positron Gravito-plasma in Pulsar Magnetosphere
- Performance Evaluation of Voice-Data Integrated Traffic in IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16e WLAN
- Performance Evaluation of Two-Hop Wireless Link under Nakagami-m Fading
- Nonlinear Propagation of Dust-Acoustic Waves in an Unmagnetized Dusty Plasma with Nonthermal Electron and Vortex-Like Ion Distribution
- Effects of Kappa-Distributed Electrons on Ion-Acoustic Shock Waves in An E-P-I Plasma in Non-Planar Geometry
- Nonplanar Ion Acoustic Solitary Waves in E-P-I Plasma with Warm Ions, and Electron and Positron Following Q-Non Extensive Velocity Distribution
- Nonlinear Propagation of Dust-acoustic Waves in an Unmagnetized Dusty Plasma with Thermal Treatment of Al2O3, MgO, and CeO2 Granulated Powders by Induction Thermal Plasma: A Numerical Approach
- Single-photon Emission in Telecommunication Band from an InAs Quantum Dot Grown on InP with Molecular-beam Epitaxy
- Spectral and Transient Luminescence Measurements on GaSb/AlGaSb Quantum Wells Grown on GaSb/GaAs Heterojunctions with and without Interfacial Misfit Arrays
- Carrier Dynamics and Photoluminescence Quenching Mechanism of Strained InGaSb/AlGaSb Quantum Wells
- Temperature Dependent Carrier Dynamics in Telecommunication Band InAs Quantum Dots and Dashes Grown on InP Substrates
- Adsorption Cooling Driven by Solar Collector: a Case Study for Tokyo Solar Data
- Solar Adsorption cooling: A Case Study on the Climatic Condition of Dhaka
- Effect of Operating Conditions on the Performance of Adsorption Solar Cooling Run by Solar Collectors
- Thermal Treatment of Al2O3, MgO, and CeO2 Granulated Powders by Induction Thermal Plasma: A Numerical Approach
- Memetic Algorithm to Solve Graph Coloring Problem
- Optimization of Idealized Quantum dot Intermediate Band Solar Cells Considering Spatial Variation of Generation Rates.
- A Model for Assessing the Association in the Repeated Measures of Depression among the Elderly
- Decisive Fators of False Detection on Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
- Factors Influencing Age at First Birth of Bangladeshi Women- A Multivariate Approach
- Investigation of Biological Activities of Grewia Columnaris
- Isoflavones from the Bark of Ormosia Robusta (Fabaceae) Baker
- Large Amplitude Solitary Waves in a Four Component Dusty Plasma with Vortex like Electron Distributions
National Journal 63. Technology Road Mapping Process for Location Based Services Development
International Conference 64. A MATLAB Based Cellular Mobile Communication Laboratory
- Breakdown of Coverage Assessment Parameters for WCDMA Base on UMTS
- An Evolutionary Algorithm with Masked Mutation for 0/1 Knapsack Problem
- Fabrication of Integration-Capable Surface-Relief VCSEL Arrays for Miniaturized Optical Manipulation of Microparticles
National Conference 68. Efficacy of the Pea DNA Helicase in Conferring salt Tolerance to Multiple Farmer-popular Rice Varieties
International Symposium 69. Solar Adsorption Cooling – driven by Heat Storage Collected from CPC Panel
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Book 70. Genderizing the Census: Strategic Approaches to Capturing Gender Realities of a Population
International Journals 71. Browning’s Logue: Mono or “Despo
- Indo-Anglian Poetry: An Image House
National Journals 73. Call Centre Discourse in Bangladesh: A Study of Politeness in Verbal Interaction
- The Potential Resurrection in Fire on the Mountain
- Room Nineteen: A Room of Susan’s Own