Vol.5, 2010
Faculty of Business and Economics
International Journals
- Intra-Regional Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Prospect in South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Region
- Evaluation of Brand Extension (Similar and Distance Product Category) with Respect to Degree of Fit and Quality of the Core Brand
- Diversification Economies and Efficiencies in a 'Blue-Green Revolution' Combination: A Case Study of Prawn-carp-rice Farming in the 'Gher' System in Bangladesh
- Effect of Dividend on Stock Price in Emerging Stock Market: A Study on the Listed Private Commercial Banks in DSE
- The Cognitive Foundations of Partitioned Country-Of-Origin: A Casual Path Analysis
- E-Government: Expectations among People in Bangladesh
- An Empirical Study on Export, Import and Economic Growth in Bhutan
Book Chapters 8. Small Business in the Informal Sector: Evidence from the Single Person Organization in the Metropolis of Dhaka
Conference Papers 9. Impact of Confidence on Transforming Women Entrepreneurs from Informal to Formal Sector: A Snapshot from Metropolis Dhaka
- Can Women Owned Small Business Avail Branding Opportunity for Market Development?
- Evaluation of Extension and Parent Brand: How Parent Brand Quality Matter for Extension Success
- A Conceptual Model on Chronic Poverty: An Extrapolation from Dhaka to India
- Enabling Environmental Factors of Lean Production Philosophy: A Bangladeshi Case
- Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Private Garments Manufacturing Units of Bangladesh: Study on Perception & Performance
- Trade Liberalization Wage Inequality and Labor Market Discrimination: A Review of Theory and Evidence
- Causality between Energy Consumption and Income in South Asian Countries
- Causality between Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: A Time Series Approach
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
International Journals
18. Shattering the Shackles: Brecht's Plays and the Language of Political Protest in Bangladesh
- Development Intervention and Ethnic Communities in Bangladesh and Thailand: A Critique
- Participatory Research and Rural Development in Bangladesh: A Critical Reflection
- Socio Demographic Differentials of Selected Non Communicable Diseases Risk Factors Among Adults in Matlab, Bangladesh: Findings From a WHOSTEPS Survey
National Journals
22. A. S. Byatt's Possession: A "Postmodern Victorian" Experience
- Tracing Post-Colonialism: Ambivalence and Allegory in Bend in the River and Disgrace
- The Failure of the Real and the Symbolic to Bridge the Gap between the World and Wright
Book Chapters 25. Ethnic Minorities, Indigenous knowledge, and Livelihoods: Struggle for Survival in Southeastern Bangladesh
Conference Papers 26. Subversion or Subservience? The Remains of the Empire in Nigeria: The Postcolonial elite, Linguistic Domination, and Native Missionary Moments
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
International Journals
27. Fingerprint Detection Using Canny Filter and DWT, a New Approach
- Decay Instability of Dust-Acoustic Wave in Magnetized Dusty Plasma
- Quantum Effect on Modulational Instability of a Laser Radiation in a Semiconductor Plasma
- Effects of Vortex-like (trapped) Electron Distribution on Nonlinear Dust-Acoustic Waves with Positive Dust Charge Fluctuation
- Call Admission Control Strategy for System Throughput Maximization Using DOVE
- Energy Intensity and Productivity in Relation to Agriculture-Bangladesh Perspective
- A Futuristic View of Change in Energy Consumption and Related Energy Intensity in Bangladesh Using Complete Decomposition Model (CDM)
- Electronic Properties and Orientation-Dependent Performance of InAs Nanowire Transistors
- Performance of Zero-Schottky-Barrier and Doped Contacts Single and Double Walled Carbon Nanotube Transistors
- Effects of Source-Drain Underlaps on the Performance of Silicon Nanowire on Insulator Transistors
- Performance Comparison of Zero-Schottky-Barrier and Doped Contacts Carbon Nanotube Transistors with Strain Applied
- Multiple-Case Outlier Detection in Multiple Linear Regression Model Using Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
- Measurement of the Diameters of Deformed Bars in Concrete Using an Electromagnetic Wave Radar (in the Presence of Cross Bars)
- Modeling Effects of Interface Traps on the Gate C-V Characteristics of MOS Devices on Alternative High-Mobility Substrates
- A Physically Based, Accurate Model for Quantum Mechanical Correction to the Surface Potential of Nano-Scale MOSFETs
- Multiple-Case Outlier Detection in Least-Squares Regression Model Using Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
- Influence of Probability of Variation Operator on the Performance of Quantum- Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for 0/1 Knapsack Problem
- Some Characterization of Modular and Distributive JP-Semilattices
- Some Properties of Modular n-Ideals of a Lattice
Book Chapters 46. Galois Field Sum of Products Approach to Multiple-Valued Quantum Logic Circuit Synthesis
Conference Papers 47. Performance Evaluation of Alternate Routing Network Based on MMPP Traffic Model
- Conversion of Bangla Sentence for Universal Networking Language
- Algorithm for Conversion of Bangla Sentence to Universal Networking Language
- Development of Templates for Dictionary Entries of Bangla Roots and Primary Suffixes for Universal Networking Language
- Rules for Morphological Analysis of Bangla Verbs for Universal Networking Language
- Development of Analysis Rules for Bangla Root and Primary Suffix for Universal Networking Language
- Formation of Bangla Word Dictionary Compatible with UNL Structure
- Design of a Linearly Increasing Inrush Current Limit Circuit for DC-DC Boost Regulators
- Implementation of Highly Accurate NMOS Vt Based Clamping Technique in Low Current Comparator
- Design and Implementation of Ultra Low Bias Current High Efficiency PFM Mode DC-DC Boost Regulator
- A Theoretical Model of GSM Network Based Vehicle Tracking System
- A Physically Based Compact Model for Eigenenergy in In rich In GaAs
- Effects of Carrier Gas Flow-Rate and Oxygen Admixture Ratio on Particle Parameters in Ar-O2 Plasma
- An Advanced Ship Guidance System Using Grid Mapping Technique
- Effect of Gate Voltage on the Performance of a Novel InmGa1-mN/InN HEMT: A Quantum Mechanical Self Consistent Study
- Performance Comparison of Bow-Tie and Slot Antenna Based on RWG Edge Elements
- The Impact of Frequency on Radiation Pattern of Bowtie and Spiral Antenna Based on RWG Elements
- Performance Evaluation of Multidimensional Traffic in Micro-Macro Cellular System
- GFSOP Based Ternary Quantum Logic Synthesis
- Detection Ability of Parametric Faults in Analog Circuits Using CBT Concept and its Test Limitations
- A Double Gate MOS Structure for Solar Photovoltaic Application
- Ballistic Current in In Rich In GaAs Surface Channel MOSFETs