Vol.1, 2006
Faculty of Business and Economics
International Journals
1. Adoption of Arsenic-Safe Drinking Water Practice in Rural Bangladesh: An Averting Behavior Model
National Journals
2. An Appraisal of the Activities of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
3. The Role of Agency and Bankruptcy Costs for the Determination of Capital Structure: A Survey of Theory and Evidence
4. An Overview of Robert Stake, Robert K. Yin, Norman K. Denzin and Nigel Fielding’s Contributions to Social Research
5. Providing Urban Services- The Challenge Ahead
Conference Papers
6. Effects of Global Competition in Telecommunication Administration inBangladesh
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Research Monograph
7. Effect of BRAC-PACE Training on English Language Teachers of Rural Non-Government Secondary Schools
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
International Journals
8. Magnetosonic wave instability in a streaming dusty plasma
9. Dust-lower-hybrid instability in a streaming magnetized dusty plasma
10. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Sida cordifolia Linn
11. Accumulation gate capacitance of MOS devices with ultra-thin high-K gate dielectrics: modeling and characterization
12. Analysis of the line width enhancement factor (α-factor) in compressively strained InGaAsP quantum wire lasers
13. Elastic strain relaxation in GaInAsP/InP membrane quantum wire lasers
14. Intestinal enzymes during malnutrition & infection in rabbits
15. An ASIC Architecture for Generating Optimum Mixed Polarity Reed-Muller
16. Design of Reversible/Quantum Ternary Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
17. On Universality of General Reversible Multiple-Valued Logic Gates
18. A New Approach to Spliced Alignment Gene Prediction Algorithm
19. Parsing Algorithms for Bengali Parser to Handle Affirmative Sentences
20. Strategies, Issues and Challenges for Enabling e Governance in Bangladesh
National Journals
21. BER Analysis of Space Time Block Code for Data Relaying at the Physical Layer
22. Digital Logic Design
Conference Papers
23. Intelligent Road Traffic System using Micro-controller based Wireless Sensor Networks
24. An improved physically based compact C-V model for MOS devices with high-k gate dielectrics
25. Anisotropy and non-uniformity effects on the strain relaxation in GaInAsP/InP quantum wire structure
26. Direct tunneling gate current in strained-Si/SiGe metal-oxide-semiconductor structures
27. Energy band structures of strained membrane quantum wires considering the redistribution of elastic strain relaxation
28. Linewidth enhancement factor in compressively strained single- and multiple-layer InGaAsP quantum wire lasers
29. Modeling and characterization of gate capacitance for MOS devices with high-K gate dielectrics
30. Size dependence of quantized energy levels in quantum dash structures
31. Acoustic Study of Bangla Phoneme for Computational Approach
32. New Approach to Automatic Segmentation of Bangla Speech
33. Research on Bangla Computational Linguistics in Bangladesh
34. A Quantum Logic Circuit For Generating Fixed-Polarity Reed-Muller Coefficients
35. Post-EA Simplification of Ternary Reversible Circuit
36. Quaternary Galois Field Expansions for Reversible/Quantum Logic Synthesis
37. Quantum Realization of Quaternary Feynman and Toffoli Gates
38. A New Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithm for Unicode Compliant Bangla Characters
39. Parsing Algorithms for Bengali Parser to Handle Affirmative and Negative Sentences