Working Paper 8
Friday, 13 June 2014Microbial Contamination of Fixed and Mobile Street Food Vended around the Campus of East West University in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Observation of Biochemical tests
- Primers for the detection of virulent genes of E. coli
- Interpretations
- Number of food samples with growth of organisms
- Presence of suspected organisms in number of food samples
- Presence of organisms in different food samples collected from EWU Mohakhali Campus
- Presence of organisms in different food samples collected from EWU Aftabnagar Campus
- Biochemical test of samples collected from Mohakhali and Aftabnagar Campus for suspected Salmonella spp.
- Biochemical test of samples collected from Aftabnagar Campus for suspected Shigella spp.
- Criteria of Organisms on Specific Media for Biochemical Test
- Serology of samples collected from Aftabnagar Campus for Shigella spp.
- PCR Test for E. coli suspected samples from Mohakhali and Aftabnagar Campus
- Summary of the findings
- Characteristics of the students
- Relationship between characteristics/practices with street food consumptions of students
- Socio-economic characteristics of the vendors
- Behavioral characteristics of the vendors
- Relationship between the knowledge of contamination, educational status, and hand washing practice of vendors before preparing food
- Relationship between the knowledge of contamination, educational status, and hand washing practice of vendors after coming from toilet
- Relationship between hand washing practice of vendors and suffering from diarrhea/dysentery