Working Paper 10

  Friday, 1 January 2016

The Endangerment and Documentation of the Pangkhua Language in Bangladesh

Abstract Acknowledgement Abbreviations

  1. Introduction 1.1 Linguistic profile and sociolinguistic context of Pangkhua 1.2 Research questions
  2. Review of Literature 2.1 Pangkhua 2.2 Language Revitalization Efforts
  3. Methodology & Theoretical Framework
  4. Limitations of the Research Project
  5. Presentation of Data 5.1 Age group of Pangkhua respondents 5.2 Marital Status of Pangkhua respondents 5.3 Education of Pangkhua respondents 5.4 Language proficiency of Pangkhua respondents 5.5 The languages the respondents were most proficient in 5.6 Code mixing phenomena among respondents 5.7 Language use in home domain 5.8 Language use in non-home domain 5.9 Languages most important in livelihood 5.10 Languages children should be taught at school 5.11 Perception of language endangerment
  6. Determining the level of Pangkhua’s endangerment
  7. Analyzing Pangkhua’s endangerment situation
  8. Maintenance of Pangkhua
  9. Pangkhua Phonemes
  10. Argument Indexation on Pangkhua Verbs 10.1 Position classes in Pangkhua verb 10.2 Pangkhua pronouns 10.3 Pangkhua argument indexation on verbs in intransitive and transitive clauses 10.3.1 Pangkhua argument indexation in intransitive clauses 10.3.2 Pangkhua argument indexation on verbs in transitive clauses 10.4 Pangkhua argument indexation in complex clause types 10.4.1 Reflexive clauses 10.4.2 Causatives
  11. Summary of argument indexation on verbs in Pangkhua References Appendix-1: Questionnaire Appendix-2: Evaluation Framework
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