Call for Papers: East West Journal of Business and Social Studies- Vol. 13, 2025

  Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Call for Papers

East West Journal of Business and Social Studies: Vol. 13, 2025

East West Journal of Business and Social Studies (EWJBSS) [Print ISSN 2074-5443, Online ISSN 2790-248X] is a fully refereed and an open access journal published by the Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU), East West University, Bangladesh, one of the leading private universities of the country. The Editorial Board of EWJBSS is seeking original manuscripts on theoretical/empirical works, review/survey on literature on basic and applied topics that fall under broad spectrum of business & management, economics, sociology, social relations, information and communication studies, geography, history, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, culturology, political science etc. As a regularly published journal, EWJBSS invites submissions for Volume 13, 2025. Please visit and navigate through our published articles in past issues available at our journal webpage:

Each article submitted will be evaluated through multiple steps to maximize rigorous screening process:

1) Initial check using Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software

2) Editorial screening for technical specifications and research rigor (manuscript maybe declined at this stage)  

3) Editor/Editorial committee send the article for review

4) Decision taken on reviewers’ and editorial comments (accepted/revise/resubmit/reject)

Since the author’s name is not revealed to reviewers, a submission should not have the author(s)’ name anywhere in the manuscript. Whereas a tittle page must include each author’s name, designation, affiliation, contact details along with an e-mail address. The article should also include an abstract (within 250 words), four to five key words, and an optional brief biographical statement (within 50 words) of the contributing author(s). Manuscripts must meet professional standards and should be computer-composed and double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font on A4 paper; table, diagrams, and illustrations (if any) must be camera ready. All submissions must conform to the requirements of academic publication of the American Psychological Association 7th edition (the APA Style Guide). It is important for manuscripts to cite updated and recent sources, preferably after 2015. Manuscripts submitted for review must not have been published previously or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. The Editor reserves the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity and/or style.

Manuscripts, prepared specifically according to the format described above, can either be submitted through our automated submission portal or can be sent to the Editor at by 31 July 2025, for consideration in EWJBSS, Vol. 13, 2025.


Professor Jashim Uddin, PhD

Associate Editor, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies (EWJBSS)

Center for Research and Training East West University (CRTEWU)

East West University