Vol.12, 2017
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Faculty of Business and Economics
International Journal
- Prospect of E-Banking in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited and BRAC Bank Limited
- Youth as a Driving Force for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
- Performance Evaluation of Selected Merchant Banks in Bangladesh
- Stock Market Investors’ Guide to Corporate Dividend Policy: Evidence from Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Industries in Bangladesh
- Customer Response Towards Non-Deceptive Counterfeit Brands
- Equity and Commodity Market Co-Movements in Thailand
- Merchant Banking Operation: A Case Study of Selected Merchant Banks in Bangladesh
- Prospect of E-Banking In Bangladesh: New Way to Make Banking Electronic
- An Appraisal of the Activities of Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL)
- Growing Popularity of Muslim Attire: Faith or Fashion
International Conference
- A Case of Success Story from the Street Market in Dhaka
- Is Informal Economy Pro or Against of Green Economy? A Literature Review on the Debate
- Ek Cup Cha (A Cup of Tea): A Triumphant Case from Dhaka on Street Food Branding
- A Transformation from Informal to Formal, Where Customer Engagement is an issue: Case Study on Rise of Mr. Burger”, in Customer Engagement & Experience issues, Reflections and Future Strategies
- A Transformation from Informal to Formal, Where Customer Value is Core Concern: Qualitative Case Evidence
- Transforming the Informal into Formal Sector Through Branding: A Study on the Processed Street Foods in Dhaka Metropolis
- Street Food Vendors’ Identity Crisis: Can Branding be a Solution? A Case Study from Dhaka
- Banking Sector Contribution in a Developing Economy: The Case of Bangladesh
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Facebook as the Source of Job Advertisements: An Empirical Study
- Development of Green Banking in Bangladesh
- A Study on Bangladeshi Consumers Understanding of 3R Food Packaging
- Factors Determining the Choice of Level of Education in Bangladesh: Empirical Evidence from HIES
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Book / Book Chapter
- Rigorous Analysis of Acousto-Optic Interactions in Optical Waveguides
- Coordinate Determination of Submerged Sensors with a Single Beacon Using the Cayley–Menger Determinant
- Exploring Cloud-Based Distributed Disaster Management with Dynamic Multi-Agents Workflow System
- Cloud-Based Geo-Information Infrastructure to Support Agriculture Activity Monitoring
International Journal
- Effect of AQM-Based RLC Buffer Management on the Enb Scheduling Algorithm in LTE Network
- Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey on Algorithms, Measurement Techniques, Applications and Challenges
- Evolution of Surface Acoustic Waves in an Optical Microfiber
- Comparison of CSI and Fixed Gain Relay of Two-Hop Wireless Link Under Small-Scale Fading
- Design of Joint Cooperative Routing, MAC And Physical Layer with Qos-Aware Traffic-Based Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Thalassemias in South Asia: Clinical Lessons Learnt from Bangladesh
- An Intelligent Cross-Layer Qos-Aware Protocol with Traffic-Differentiation-Based for Energy Efficient Communication in WSNs
- On the Determination of Levelized Cost of Electricity of Wind Energy in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh
- Design and Performance Analysis of Depletion-Modeinsb Quantum-Well Field-Effect Transistor Forlogic Applications
- A Time-Dependent Model of Pulse-Driven Radio Frequency Capacitively Coupled Collisional Plasma Sheath
- Small and Arbitrary Amplitude Dust-Acoustic Solitary Waves with Nonextensive Electrons and Vortex-Like Distributed Ions
- Asymptotically Stable Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Relativistic Plasmas
- Tsunami Inundation Modeling in a Boundary Fitted Curvilinear Grid Model Using the Method of Lines Technique
- Secrecy Capacity of a Rayleigh Fading Channel Under Jamming Signal
- Pattern Recognition Using the Concept of Disjoint Matrix Of MIMO System
- Comparison of CSI and Fixed Gain Relay of Two-Hop Wireless Link Under Small-Scale Fading
- Isostructural Metal-Carboxylates MIL-100(M) And MIL-53(M) (M: V, Al, Fe And Cr) as Catalysts for Condensation of Glycerol with Acetone
- N Doped Cobalt-Carbon Composite for Reduction of P-Nitrophenol and Pendimethaline
- Metal Organic Framework Derived Cu-Carbon Composite: An Efficient Non-Noble Metal Catalyst for Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium and Pendimethalin
- A High Breakdown, High Efficiency and Bounded Influence Modified GM Estimator Based on Support Vector Regression
- Selective Overview of Forward Selection in terms of Robust Correlations
- Elastic Net for Single index Support Vector Regression Model
- Robust Multivariate Least Angle Regression
- Adjusting Outliers in Univariate Circular Data
- Diagnostic Robust Generalised Potentials Based On GM6 to Identify High Leverage Points in Simultaneous Regression Model
- Detection of Outliers in Univariate Circular Data Using Robust Circular Distance
- Small-Sample Confidence Interval for the Slope of Linear Structural Relationship Model
- Standardisation Techniques of Independent PET/CT Modalities Utilising PET Suvmax As a Potential Conversion Marker
- Study of Biochemical and Cooking Quality Traits of Major Rice Varieties of Bangladesh
- Mineral Profiling of HYV Rice in Bangladesh
- Topical Delivery of Anthramycin I. Influence of Neat Solvents
- In Vitro Permeation and Disposition of Niacinamide in Silicone and Porcine Skin of Skin Barrier-Mimetic Formulations
- Automatic Synthesis of Quaternary Quantum Circuits
- Self-Organizing Mapping Based Swarm Intelligence for Secondary and Tertiary Proteins Classification
- Construction of Word Dictionary for Bangla Vowel Ended Roots and its Verbal Inflexions in UNL Based Machine Translation Scheme
- Fb Mapping: An Automated System for Monitoring Facebook Data
- Exploring K-Means with Internal Validity Indexes for Data Clustering in Traffic Management System
- Recognition of Handwritten Bangla Characters Using Gabor Filter and Artificial Neural Network
National Journal
- Grain Quality Evaluation & Comparative Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of Traditional Cultivars and High Yielding (HYV) Aman Rice Varieties in Bangladesh
- Pseudochlorella Encapsulata Sp. Nov. (Chlorophyceae) from Mahagoni Bark, Dhaka, Bangladesh
International Conference
- A Game-Theoretical Green Networking Approach for Information-Centric Networks
- Toward Standardization Activities for Future Networks in ITU-T: A Viewpoint From Y. Suppl. 35: ITU-T Y. 3033 Data-Aware Networking-Scenarios and Use Cases
- Joint Routing, MAC and Physical Layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Watermarking Scheme Based on Interpolation and Cellular Automata
- Classification of Tumors and it Stages in Brain MRI Using Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network
- Fuzzy Logic Based Algorithm to Classify Tumor Categories With Position from Brain MRI Images
- Nonlinear Propagation of Dust-Acoustic Waves in Self-Gravitating Opposite Polarity Dusty Plasma with Maxwellian Ion and Nonthermal Electron Distribution
- Tuning Free Parameters for Support Vector Regression
- Controlled and Uncontrolled SWAP Gates in Reversible Logic Synthesis
- Seismic Response of Building with Irregular Geometric Configurations
- Influence of Vertically Irregular Configurations of Building on Seismic Responses
- Influence of Curvature on Seismic Response of Steel I-Girder Bridge Deck
National Conference
- Structural and Electrical Properties of Cobalt Coordination Polymer Based Nano-Wire on Solid Surfaces
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
International Journal
- Sexism and Variations in the use of Language
- Use of Language of the third Gender in Bangladesh: A Sociolinguistic Study
- Let us Listen to our Students: An Analysis of Demotivation to Study English in Bangladesh
- A Study of the Pragmatic Language Impairments of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Comics and Graphic Novels: Counter Narratives to Cultural Products
- Elisa Allen: Steinbeck’s Unconventional Reflections on the Female Character in “The Chrysanthemums”
- Novel: Death or Resurrection of Storytelling?
- The Geographical Indication Act 2013: Protection of Traditional Knowledge in Bangladesh with Special Reference to Jamdani
- Protection of ‘Handicraft’ as Geographical Indications Under Municipal Law, TRIPS and Btas Vis-À-Vis CETA: ‘Bangladeshi Jamdani’ as Case Study
- Adolescents’ and their Mothers: Understanding the Needs
- The Role of Evaluation at the Stages of Policy Formulation, Implementation, and Impact Assessment
- Factors Associated with Domestic Violence Against Rural Bangladeshi Women
- Analysing Masculinity from the Key Theoretical Lenses and Searching for Linkages with Violence Against Women
- Open Trends in Bangladesh for Providing Information Services: Opportunities and Challenges
International Conference
- Impact of Textual Enhancement on Bangladeshi Learner’s Grammatical Development of Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses
- Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Parents in Bangladesh: From Religious Dogmas to Legislative Initiatives
- Using Drama Technique to Engage University Students in Course Work
- Awareness of Apt Computer Use and Hazards among University Students in Dhaka
- Climate Change Induced and Environmentally Stressed Migration in Dhaka
- Child Murder issue in Bangladesh: Reasoning from Socio-Ethical Observation
- Information Literacy and Digital Literacy Skills and Competencies for Providing Quality Services: A Special Reference to Public Sector Employees of Bangladesh
- Possibilities and Potential Areas of Joint Collaboration between CHWs and HIPs for Promoting Health Information Literacy (HIL) in Communities of Bangladesh: A Study
- Strengthening the Public Service Delivery: Renovate or Innovate?