Vol.15, 2020
Wednesday, 1 January 2020
Faculty of Business and Economics
International Journal
- Performance evaluation and impact of Grameen Bank on social development and women empowerment in Bangladesh
- Impact of Covid-19 in Bangladesh Stock Market
- Attitude toward social media reviews and restaurant visit intention: a Bangladeshi perspective
- Innovation in financial services: the case of Bangladesh
- Sustaining Rice Productivity, Soil Fertility, and Income from Prawn-Rice Joint Culture in the Gher System in Bangladesh
- Income Inequality, Poverty and Food Security of Plain Land Ethnic Communities of Bangladesh
- Productivity Growth and Efficiency Changes in Prawn-carp–rice Farming in ‘Gher’ System in Bangladesh: A Färe -Primont Index Approach
- The Impact of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry of Bangladesh
- Accounting and Auditing through the Lens of Non-Accountants: An Emerging Economy Experience
- Investigating the relationship between integrated reporting and firm performance in a voluntary disclosure regime: insights from Bangladesh
- Integrated thinking, earnings manipulation and value creation: Malaysian empirical evidence
National Journal
- Post-Initial Public Offering Performance Drift
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
International Journal
- U-shaped Ferrocement wrapping with inter-surface locking for flexural strengthening of RC beam
- Role and task allocation framework for Multi-Robot Collaboration with latent knowledge estimation
- Freshwater shrimp farm monitoring system for Bangladesh based on internet of things