Vol.4, 2009
Faculty of Business and Economics
International Journals
- Communication Skill for the Business Executives: An Emperical Study on Some Local Private Business concerns in Bangladesh
- A Test of Association between Working Hour and Work Family Conflict: A Glimpse on Dhaka’s Female White Collar Professionals
- Export Marketing in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects.
- The Effect of Management Styles and Employee Behaviour On Customer Satisfaction In The Electronic Manufacturing Industry In Malaysia
- Quality Control by Information Technology in RMG Industry in Bangladesh
- An Assessment of Non-Tax Revenue Sources in Bangladesh
- VAT in Bangladesh
- Performance Evaluation of Selected Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
- Performance Evaluation of SMEs of Bangladesh
- An Investigation of Manufacturing Performance Improvement through Lean Production: A Study on Bangladeshi Garment Firms
- Lean Production Practice: the Differences and Similarities in Performance between the Companies of Bangladesh and other Countries of the World
- A Look into the Disclosure Improvements of CSR Reporting In Bangladesh
- A Case on Vendor Selection Methodology: An Integrated Approach
- Impact of Global Financial Crisis in South Asian Economy: With Special Emphasis to India
- Corporate Governance Reporting Style and Status by the Listed Companies in Dhaka Stock Exchange
- Implications and Applications of IFRS 4: Insurance Contracts - A Review of Asian Countries
- Management of Optimum Supplier Selection Process
- Extended Fuzzy Front End in New Product Development Process
- Key Discriminators of Bank Profitability
- Explicating 5S: Make you Productive
- Micro Finance for Poverty Alleviation: A Commercialized View
- Harmonization of Accounting Standards through Internationalization
- Convergence of Accounting Standards: Internationalization of Accounting
- Performance Measures: An Application of Economic Value Added
- Analysis of Gap in Service Quality through SERVQUAL: A Case of Deposit Service Provided by a Bank in Bangladesh
- An Empirical Examination of Random Walk Hypothesis for Dhaka Stock Exchange: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Sector of Bangladesh
- Export, Imports, Remittance and Growth in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis
National Journals 28. Technological Progress and Modern Variety of (MV) Paddy Production: A Comparison of Rice-Prawn Farming and Year-Round Paddy Farming System in Bangladesh
- Adoption of Hybrid and its Future Consequences in Bangladesh: An Economic Analysis
- Lean Production Practices in Bangladesh: An Investigation into the Extent of Practices in the Bangladeshi Garment Companies
- Trade-off between Waiting Cost and Service Cost: Application of Queuing Model
Book Chapters
32. Challenges in Women Owned Small and Medium Sized Retail Business: A Perspective of Globalization
- The Impact of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange
- EVA Basics
Conference Papers
35. Capitalizing on the Regional Potential: A Guide to Enhance Competitiveness of India Inc.
- The Role of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh: A Case Study of ICB Mutual Funds
- A Multivariate Analysis of the Selection Factors of Carbonated Soft Drinks In Bangladesh
- Influence of Working Environment on Psychological Contract of the Employees of Citycell and Teletalk in Bangladesh
- Socioeconomic Impact of Media on Middle Class People of Bangladesh
- Health Beliefs and Motivating Factors to Buy Bottled Water: A Case Study of University Students in Bangladesh
- Impact of Globalisation and Global Financial Crisis on the Ready-made Garment Sector in Bangladesh
- An Islamic Perspective of the Root Causes to Global Financial Crisis
- Vendor Selection Using Fuzzy C Mean Algorithm and Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Causality between Industrial Production and Exports in Bangladesh
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
National Journals
45. Directions in CDA: “How Practical is one-size-fits-all CDA?”
46. Western Education and Modernization in a Buddhist Village: A Case Study of the Barua Community in Bangladesh
Book Chapters
47. Participatory Research, NGOs, and Grassroots Development: Challenges in Rural Bangladesh
- Non Formal Education, Economic Growth and Development: Challenges for Rural Buddhists in Bangladesh
- Colonial Education and Non-Violent Activism of Rural Buddhist Communities in Bangladesh
Conference Papers 50. Determinants of Quality in Higher Education? Bangladesh Perspective through Private Universities
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
International Journals 51. Nonlinear Ion Acoustic Waves in a Magnetized Dusty Plasma in Presence of Nonthermal Electron
- Determination of Save Operating Border of Asynchronous Data Traffic Based on MMPP
- Call Admission Scheme of Mixed Traffic for Mobile Cellular Networks
- Evaluation of Delay of Voice End User in Cellular Mobile Networks with 2D Traffic System
- Electronic Properties of a Strained 100 Silicon Nanowire
- Parametrization of a Silicon Nanowire Effective Mass Model from sp3d5s* Orbital Basis Calculations
- Uniaxial Strain Effects on the Performance of a Ballistic Top Gate Graphene Nanoribbon on Insulator Transistor
- Transport and Performance of a Gate All Around InAs Nanowire Transistor
- Investigation of In vitro Release Kinetics of Carbamazepine from Eudragit® RS PO and RL PO Matrix Tablets
- Static Solution with Spherical Symmetry with Conformal Gravitation: Vacuum Solution
- Wave Function Penetration Effects on Ballistic Drain Current Modeling and MOSFET scaling
- Wave Function Penetration Effects on Ballistic Drain Current in Double Gate MOSFETs Fabricated on (100) and (110) Silicon Surfaces
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the In-Flight Melting Behaviour of Granulated Powders in Induction Thermal Plasmas
- In-Flight Thermal Treatment of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass Powders for Glass Production by Argon-Oxygen Induction Thermal Plasmas
- A Study and Design of Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) Transceiver
- A Numerical Study of Plasma-Particle Heat Transfer Dynamics in Induction Thermal Plasmas for Glassification
- Large Amplitude Double Layer in Four Component Dusty Plasma with non-Thermal ions
- Dust-Acoustic Shock Waves in a Dusty Plasma With Charge Fluctuating Positive Dust
- Shock Waves in Plasmas with Charge Fluctuating Dust of Opposite Polarity
- Finitely Generated n-ideals Which Form Relatively Normal Lattices
- Detecting Dissimilarities in EM Constitutive Parameters Using Differential Imaging Operator on Reconstructed Wavefield
National Journals 72. In vitro Release Kinetic Study of Theophylline from Eudragit RS PO and Eudragit RL PO Matrix Tablets
Conference Papers 73. Performance Evaluation of Time Dependent Micro Macro Cellular Network Using MMPP Traffic
- Performance Evaluation of MIMO System Incorporating Water Filling Model and Minimum Eigenvalue Constraints
- Adaptive Array Antenna System in Cancellation of Jammer and Noise of Wireless Link
- Capacity Enhancement of Limited User Traffic of Mobile Cellular Networks Using DOVE Technique
- Performance Evaluation of a Mobile Cellular Network with two Hop Ad Hoc Relaying
- Magnetic Field of a Rotating Massive Sphere Taking Baroelectric Effect into Account
- Generation of the Magnetic Fields of Celestial Bodies
- Evaluation of Integrals Using the Error Function and Error Function of Imaginary Argument
- On the Physically Based, Quantum Mechanical Correction to the Accumulation Surface Potential of Nano-Scale MOSFETs
- Performance Evaluation of Symmetric Encryption Algorithm in MANET and WLAN
- Detection Ability of Parametric Faults in Analog Circuits Using CBT Concept and its Test Limitations
- A New Strategy to Implement Security in an Area Using Picocell Base Transceiver Station
- Minimized Reversible Synthesis of Non-Reversible Quinary Logic Function
- Multiple-Case Outlier Detection in Least-Squares Regression Model Using Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
- Quantum Realization of Multiple-Valued Feynman and Toffoli Gates Without Ancilla Input
- Scalable Architectures for Design of Reversible Quaternary Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Circuits
- Reversible Synthesis of Quinary Logic Function
- Kinetic and Three Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (3D-QSAR) Studies on New α- Glucosidase Inhibitors
- Genotypes and Phenotypes of CYP3A4 in Bangladeshi People
- Lattices Whose Finitely Generated n-Ideals Form a Generalized Stone Lattice
- Finitely Generated n-Ideals which Form m-Normal Lattices
- Finitely Generated n-Ideals which Form Relatively m-Normal Lattices
- Nearlattices Whose Sets of Principal n-Ideals Form Normal Nearlattices
- Nearlattices Whose Sets of Principal n-ideals Form Relatively Normal Nearlattices
- Some Properties of Modular n-Ideals of a Lattice
- Around a Central Element of a Nearlattice
- Design of an Optimum Antenna System for Maximum Power Transfer Using Statistical Design of Experiment Approach
- Interpolation Techniques to Improve RIO Boundary Detection
- Analysis of a Low Power Passive RFID Tag Based on Advanced CMOS Process for Wide Area Application
- Gain-Bandwidth Adjusting Technique of A 36.1 GHz Single Stage Low Noise Amplifier Using 0.13μm CMOS Process
- A 36.1 GHz Single Stage Low Noise Amplifier Using 0.13μm CMOS Process
- A 23.5 GHz Double Stage Low Noise Amplifier Using .13µm CMOS Process with an Innovative Inter-Stage Matching Technique
- Effects of Interface Traps and Oxide Traps on Gate Capacitance of MOS Devices with Ultrathin (EOT ~ 1 nm) High-κ Stacked Gate Dielectrics
- Reflection Cancellation from High Speed Transmission Line