Completed Research Project

Trail of War Rape: When Justice is an Issue 2017

Dr. Tureen Afroz, Professor, Department of Law, East West University.

The Effect of Corporate Governance on Firm’s Performance: A Review of Banking Sector of Bangladesh 2016

Nikhil Chandra Shil, Assistant Professor, Rashidul Islam, Assistant Professor and Netai Kumar Saha, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, EWU

Impact of Training Program on Awareness and Practice of Computer Ergonomics among Academic Staff 2016

Ms. Rubayat Kabir, Lecturer, Marzia Zaman Sultana, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Lutfun Nahar, Associate Professor, Department of Social Relations, East West University

In Search of a “New Beginning”: Analyzing the Implication of a2i in Promoting Women Empowerment 2016

Ms. Ruhun Wasata, Lecturer, Department of Social Relations, East West University

Silicon Nanowire Biosensors for Healthcare & Environmental Control 2015

Dr. Mohammad Mojammel Al Hakim, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, East West University

School Going Children’s Knowledge on Disaster Preparedness: A Study from Selected Areas of Bangladesh 2013

Md. Ekhtekharul Islam, Department of Social Relations, East West University

Plagiarism Policies in Bangladeshi Universities: A Critical Perspective 2013

Dr. Muhammed Shahriar Haque, Department of English, EWU

Univariate Time Series Forecasting: A Study of Monthly Tax revenue of Bangladesh 2013

Biplob Kumar Nandi, Senior Lecturer, Muntasir Choudhury, A ssistant Professor and Gazi Quamrul Hasan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, EWU

The Endangerment and Documentation of the Pangkhua Language in Bangladesh 2012

Zahid Akter, Assistant Professor, Department of English, EWU

Discourse of Advertising: Linguistic/Semiotic Discourse Structures in Bangladeshi Educational Advertisements 2011

Muhammed Shahriar Haque, Associate Professor, Department of English, EWU