EWUCRT 32nd Seminar
‘Work for Human Development: 2015 Human Development Report’,by Dr. Selim Jahan, Director, Human Development Report, UNDP : East West University (EWU) Center for Research and Training (CRT) arranged a seminar on, Work for Human Development: 2015 Human Development Report, in collaboration with UGC/World Bank funded sub-project: Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Development of Academic Staff, on 12 January 2016 in EWU Campus, Aftabnagar, Dhaka. The Keynote Speaker of the seminar was Dr. Selim Jahan, Director, Human Development Report Office of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He said in the Human Development Index of the twenty-first century the position of Bangladesh prominently stands out compared to the many neighbors. However, now the country needs to pay more attention to sustainable creation, stop gender violence and decrease the number of dropouts from secondary education.