EWUCRT Arranges a Research Seminar
East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) organized a research seminar titled “Rohingya Influx in Bangladesh: Perceptions and Attitudes of the Local Population” on 07 March 2024 at the EWUCRT Seminar Room of East West University (EWU).
The seminar delved into the complex issue of the Rohingya influx in Bangladesh, exploring the perspectives and attitudes of the local population through research conducted by Dr. Mobarak Hossain Khan, Professor, Mr. Rezwan Siddiqui, and Ms. Rubayat Kabir, Senior Lecturer, all from the Department of Social Relations at East West University. The main discussant of the seminar was Professor S. M. Nurul Alam (Retd.) Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University. A lively question and answer session was also held on the occasion.
This event provided a platform for academics, researchers, and the broader community to engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the social and cultural implications of the Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh. The seminar explored the local population's perceptions of the influx, their concerns, and potential solutions to the ongoing humanitarian challenge.
The research seminar was conducted by Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury, Chairperson, EWUCRT. The seminar concluded with a note of appreciation and suggestions from Professor Shams Rahman, Vice Chancellor of EWU.
Prof. Dr. M. Ashik Mosaddik, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Faculty Members, Officials of EWUCRT, and students of EWU attended the seminar.